
Life in the Orphanage

For little Jane, she had no choice but stayed there. In the orphanage, Jane was always bullied by the teachers. She has never got the thing that she was alwaysexpecting for–being regard as a common person, just treated as the same as other girls around her. Not only did her behaviors were always limited by the teachers, but theyalso despised her, bullied her, disregarded her and insulted her. She lost freedom in the orphanage. However, she was not afraid about that, she cheered herself up and gave herself confidence to face her life. Within suffering the difficulties made from the teachers, Jane kept her studying and living.
Six years had gone, Jane became a strong and holy woman who has knowledge, inner quality and temperament. And then she spent the last two years on teaching as a teacher in there. At this time, she wanted to have her own life, so she left the orphanage and to find jobs by herself.
A Poor Girl

Jane Eyre's life is full of serious aspects which are presented into some important subjects, such as the relationships between men and women, women's equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and religious hypocrisy, the realization of selfhood, and the true love. However, the most significant thought of Charlotte Bronte is the relationship between male and female is equal, which is not only the purpose of main character named Jane Eyre, but also the target of Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre is an ideal, indomitable, independent and brave woman. She has unbearable experience and extremely vehement self-esteem. When Jane Eyre was very young, her parents went off. As a result, she was sent to live with her aunt who is the only relative she has and she is also a selfish and cruel woman who treats Jane as badly as a ragtag. At the same time, Jane's cousins always play a trick on her or laugh at her. After a few time, the ruthless aunt sends Jane to an orphanage and to accept her education.

Jane Eyre is a classic romance novel by Charlotte Bronte which was published in1847 in London. It is one of the most famous novel in the academic circles which also brings almost instant fame to its obscure author, and various invitations from all literary circles.
Charlotte Bronte is the daughter of Patrick Bronte, an Irishman and curate in Yorkshire. She was born in a poor family. Although she lived in a secluded town, she has a quick mind. The god gave her knowledge and encouraged her to have a positive attitude to face his life. In 1854, against much hesitation, Charlotte marries her father's curate, at his desire. A few months later, she is dead from complications and an illness, during pregnancy.Charlotte Bronte is both greatly admired, and harshly criticized by literary critics from her day to nowadays. Many critics accuses her of being overly emotional, rebellious, rage, blasphemousness, and passionate. Jane Eyre is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a despicable environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.